Avaya je opět velmi silná a ve své oblasti nejlepší

Avaya je opět velmi silná a ve své oblasti nejlepší
Články a zajímavosti

Avaya úspěšně dokončila restrukturalizaci a jsme pyšní, že jsme její Diamond Partnerem. Jsme strašně rádi, že jsme mohli i my pomoci zavřít ústa všem pochybovačům a že se naše dlouhodobá věrnost vyplácí. Avaya je opět velmi silná a ve své oblasti nejlepší.

Avaya úspěšně dokončila restrukturalizaci a jsme pyšní, že jsme její Diamond Partnerem. Jsme strašně rádi, že jsme mohli i my pomoci zavřít ústa všem pochybovačům a že se naše dlouhodobá věrnost vyplácí. Avaya je opět velmi silná a ve své oblasti nejlepší.


Dear Avaya Partner,

Avaya appreciates your partnership throughout our debt restructuring process. Your commitment has enabled us to fight off fierce competition and continue to deliver our open and innovative solutions to customers around the globe, so we want you to be among the first to hear that we have reached the last major milestone in the chapter 11 process.

The Court has now confirmed the Avaya Plan of Restructuring, clearing the way for Avaya to emerge from chapter 11 by the end of 2017 as a public company. Earlier in the month, the company also secured $2.925 billion in exit financing that creates a simplified and greatly reduced debt structure.

Now, with a strengthened balance sheet, a new Board of Directors and new executive leadership team in place, Avaya is fully focused on the future and creating even greater business value for our customers and partners. Our commitment is to continue to deliver innovative and highly relevant solutions that help you win in the market. Together we will transform customer business models and revenue streams, delivering open and flexible solutions leading to digital transformation.

As our momentum continues, we fully recognize that we would not have made it to this point without your support. Please know that everyone at Avaya thanks you for your ongoing trust and confidence, and we will continue to work to strengthen our partnership throughout 2018 and beyond.

Jim Chirico
Chief Executive Officer

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